MJP Studios » The Work of Marc J. Potocsky

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Photo Realistic Automobile Art by Ct Artist Marc Potocsky 2022

Photo Realistic Automobile Art by Ct Artist Marc Potocsky


Art of the Auto – The Painted Car

1951 Ford Sedan Acrylic on Canvas Marc Potocsky mjpfaux.com

1951 Ford Sedan Acrylic on Canvas Marc Potocsky mjpfaux.com

“Americans love cars and I enjoy painting them. Some of my paintings take up to 70 hours to paint, because of all the intricate detail. Automotive painting is one of my favorite subjects to paint from old classic cars, to muscle cars, to racing cars, to cars of the future. There is nothing like seeing the way the lights reflect off of the painted finish of a car.”

Photo realistic automotive art by Ct Artist Marc Potocsky mjpfaux.com

Ct Artist Marc Potocsky painting a 1951 Ford acrylic on canvas mjpfaux.com Youtube Video


Bugatti-Divo-2019-art. Marc Potocsky mjpfaux.com

Bugatti Divo 2019 art Marc Potocsky mjpfaux.com

Marc’s painting of a 1951 Ford Sedan is now on display at BACA Branford Arts & Culture Alliance Gallery 1004 Main St., Branford, CT. through the Holiday Season.

 Marc Potocsky Fine Art . MJP Studios 


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