Derek Jeter New York Yankees by CT Artist Marc Potocsky

Derek Jeter New York Yankees by CT Artist Marc Potocsky
Derek Jeter New York Yankees By CT Artist Marc Potocsky. CT Artist Marc Potocsky at work in his Connecticut studio finishing up painting of” the New York Yankees captain” Derek Jeter.
48″x 36″ on canvas Acrylic and Oil
Jeter black and white, charcoal/pencil/ acrylic

Derek Jeter New York Yankees By CT Artist Marc Potocsky
Other players by Marc
Tim Licecum San Francisco Giants
Alex Gordon Kansas City Royals
Marc’s Art work is for sale in originals and limited edition prints.
Call 203 488 1265 0r go to
for more info.
How to portrait painting video of Patriots Rob Gronkowski by Marc Potocsky