MJP Studios » The Work of Marc J. Potocsky

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Decorative painted furniture, CT – 18th century Italian Commode by Marc Potocsky – MJP Studios CT.

Decorative painted furniture, CT

18th century Italian Commode by Marc Potocsky – MJP Studios CT.

Here’s one of our latest projects for a Boston Designer for a client in Nantucket.

Painted commode  mjp studios, CT 1

This is a re-pro of a 18th century Italian piece with hand painted decorative ornament, faux (Naive) marble top, then aged and distressed.


Decorative painted furniture, CT - 18th century Italian Commode by Marc Potocsky - MJP Studios CT.

faux painted commode ct mjp studios 1


Naive marbleizing is simple and marble like, not imitation marble.

commode top naive marble mjp studios

Decorative painted furniture, CT – 18th century Italian Commode by Marc Potocsky – MJP Studios CT.


 We did this in our shop and then it was shipped to the Clients home.

Decorative painted furniture- 18th century Italian Commode by Marc Potocsky – MJP Studios CT.  mjpfaux.com

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