New York Yankees Art CT artist Marc Potocsky
New York Yankees Art CT artist. I’ve been a New York Yankee fan ever since I can remember growing up in New Haven CT. with the M&M boys and the 61 Yankees. The Mantle & Maris artwork was done in Mixed Media -Pencil, Charcoal, White Charcoal and Acrylics.

New York Yankees Art CT Artist Marc Potocsky- Mantle

CT Mural Artist Marc Potocsky painting of the NFL 50th Superbowl -CT NY
Click here for Marc’s video of his Super Bowl 50 Logo Painting

New York Yankees Art CT Artist – Maris
By Marc Potocsky
For more info go to
or visit us at
MJP Studios, North Branford, CT. 203 488 1265 – mjpfaux@aol,com
Bob Cullen - Where’s Mariano?….great stuff,my camera doesn’t do as well.
Robert Lieto - Excellant Stuff Marc.