MJP Studios » The Work of Marc J. Potocsky

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Faux Painted marble columns NY

by Connecticut artist Marc Potocsky

Here are a few photo of painted marble columns painted by MJP Studios

Faux marbling is one my favorite techniques. We do columns, fireplace mantles, baseboard, wall panels, wainscoting, molding., etc.


faux painted marble columns ny

Faux painted yellow sienna marble columns ny


faux painted marble columns ny 2

painted marble gold Calcutta ny

faux painted marble columns ny 3

painted white carrara marble

faux painted marble columns ny 4

portoro marble column ny

faux painted marble columns ny 5

panonzo marble columns ny

faux painted marble columns ny 6

painting faux marble columns ny

faux painted marble columns ny 7

faux painted Italian gold marble ny

faux painted marble columns ny 8

faux painted marble limestone baseboard ny


faux painted marble columns ny 9

faux painted limestone marble column ny ct


Come visit our website MJP Studios Marc Potocsky Painted Marble

Faux Painted marble columns NY

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