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By Bob Lieto


What is a SMART HOME…. is a good question for it has many meanings depending on who you ask. We will expound on the subject and so our Part #1 in the series.


The reason for the ambiguous answer is that a SMART HOME, SMART BUSINESS, SMART VACATION HOME or SMART MOTOR YACHT, for the sake of inclusion (you get the idea), might not be the same for everyone. The SMART part is that your home, business or the like is monitoring, adjusting, counting or reacting to a specific request built into the SMART PART of the system specifically for YOU. While most SMART HOMES have a number of features that are most common, because they are built-in, and easy to take advantage of,  but for the most part not all features are important to everyone. Parts or Features are purchased separately. SMART Homes are built on having the convenience of tapping a local Touch Panel or contacting it with a  Smart Phone or computer and monitoring, adjusting or checking a condition on one of the areas listed above in icons, and possibly making a change or adjustment.

It can also be asked to do other things, that do not necessarily fall under an icon listed above by massaging its software and adding sensors. For example: the IRRIGATION icon is typically used for scheduling a Lawn Sprinkler System which comes with a timer function and calendar, that can be made a bit smarter with a Moisture Sensor within the lawn that can tell the system that the lawn is wet enough, possibly due to a recent rain. Or, the IRRIGATION Icon can become control for a Fountain System at a catering facility, which can be on a timed schedule and accessed on a smart phone to be instructed to shut down or turn on overriding the planned schedule.

The Vacation Home is an area that can choose what means most to its owners. For Example: If we were to install the Climate, Security, Video, and Media parts, we could from anywhere on this side of the planet, get an alert from our security system on our smart phone or computer which would then allow us to look at (Video) our vacation property and contact the authorities if needed. We could also have the highest and lowest (HVAC) temperature setting alert us that there is a problem with our heating or cooling system. Or simply, use the feature to Warm or Cool the facility prior to arrival. Oh, and turn on the music as well. Expanded with the right storage system, your local home base Music and Video Library would be at your fingertips at the remote location. You get the idea.

And so, the SMART HOME is exactly that, SMART, CONVENIENT, EVER PRESENT and awaiting your command. Custom Audio-Video Systems have a number of installed SMART SYSTEMS done with great success, give us a call, we would love to talk about your specific needs. (203) 234-1303

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