Trompe l’oeil Painting Part 2 by Marc Potocsky
Here are some examples of hand painted trompe l’oeil molding and ornament. These are all flat surfaces.
One of the most prominent features of Trompe loeil decorative painting has been architecture, molding and bas relief ornament.

Using a Striping edge to paint Trompe loeil molding.

Trompe loeil molding CT detail (Totally flat surface).

Faux painted cherry wood book match with trompe loeil molding and ornament

Here is an example of the faux Cherry wood and more trompe loeil molding, doors and handles.

Trompe molding, egg & dart & bead decoration on Faux Grand Antique

The use of shadow and light on the different profiles is key in creating a convincing trompe molding and decoration.

Trompe l’oeil paneling, crown and dental molding with gold striping.

Trompe-loeil-ornament and molding-MJP Studio CT.

Using the striping edge to do Trompe l’oeil panels. MJP studios-CT.

Trompe l’oeil Boarder over faux Portoro marble. Completely flat wall except for small base board at the very bottom. Fun Job in CT. MJP Studios.

Hand painted trompe loeil molding and carved bas relief decoration. Marc Potocsky CT.
Trompe loeil painting part 2 by Marc Potocsky
Check out : trompe loeil painting part 1
MJP Trompe loeil painting and ornament
mjpfaux - Thanks Sharon! We need to work together one day.
Sharon Leichsenring - beautiful work, Marc.
Juan Carlos Reyes - wonderfull
Arlene Skoros Mcloughlin - You’re my hero