MJP Studios » The Work of Marc J. Potocsky

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The Art of Dino Danelli by Marc Potocsky

Dino Danelli once upon a dream tour b 2013 mjp studios

Dino Danelli once upon a dream tour  2013


  The Art of Dino Danelli by Marc Potocsky


Dino Danelli famed drummer for the legendary music group, “the Young Rascals,” and member of the Rock & Roll hall of fame, has led a double life as long as I can remember. Not only is he a talented musician, but equally a talented and gifted artist.

Dino Danelli Art

Dino at one of His showings with His series “Mean Streets.”



His latest series of work (below) is what he calls “Baroque Abstraction.He has of late been painting large pieces in His studio on wood (hollow wood doors), any were from 48” x 80” to 60”x 100” in size. He said, “They are large enough that I’m working off of Scaffolding.”

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His passion for his art is evident. This latest series is called- “Voluptuous sleep.” Dino said, “For me it’s all about the process, it’s the movement, the application, and the beauty of the paint itself. “

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Some of his inspiration came from artists like Larry Poons,  Monet, (his water lilies), Willem DeKooning, Stanley Boxer, Jules Olitski and all the Color Field painters..


Danelli says, “I’m using very large brushes, and big trowels. I’ve done 6 pieces already and I plan on doing 3 or 4 more in this series.”

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Dino’s passion for art is undeniable and contagious. For Dino Danelli and His ever changing and evolving artwork, the future is wide open! Like the lyrics to one of his groups classic hit songs, “It’s WONDERFUL!”

Dino Danelli once upon a dream tour 2013

Dino Danelli –  “Once upon a dream” tour 2013


To see more or purchase Dino’s artwork go to – http://www.dinodanelliart.com/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/DinoDanelliArt


MJP Studios specializes in Murals and Portraiture in all mediums. Decorative painting, Faux Finishes. See Portraits,

Also see- Mural Painting & Trompe l’oeil painting

“The Classic Art of Fine Decorative Painting, Decoration, Trompe l’oeil Murals, Faux Finishes & Patinas”
MJP Studios • 241 Branford Road, Unit 254 • North Branford, CT. 06417
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February 8, 2014 - 11:49 pm

Ralph Onofrio - Dino was and is a constant inspiration….On the drums and in art…..a true talent.

February 21, 2014 - 1:38 pm

Marc Potocsky - Dino was a major inspiration to me as a drummer and a artist. Did you know that he did most of the art work on their album covers?

February 26, 2014 - 11:32 pm

Franz Nachod - Dino sure had more influence on me then any other drummer, ever,,, Lucky to have met the band in the 60s

March 18, 2014 - 8:02 pm

Frankie Vinci - I’ve known Dino for 40+ years , beside being notes as one of the greatest drummers ,he is a true genius /artist in every sense of the word..His art work is contemporary , innovative and retro all at the same time ..The art Dino creates is on the same level as the turn of the century artists or as hip as a Dali or Warhol .. Dino is an old soul and a renaissance man , I am proud to call him my former bandmate , dear friend and big brother…

March 18, 2014 - 8:10 pm

Chris Remediani - I really like the third painting… Don’t know why, but I really like it!

March 18, 2014 - 9:59 pm

John Cappadona - I always like seeing Dino’s work, It gets better and better.

May 21, 2014 - 9:26 pm

Kathy Lies Carpenito - I love the third painting it looks like a little girl sitting on a larger cushioned chair with legs dangling……love the way it makes me feel when I look into it, warm and comfy!!!!
It’s also the colors and the texture of his strokes!!!! Thanks Dino I’d love to buy it but I couldn’t afford it!!
Loved seeing you in Dan Francisco Warfield, you signed my sisters t-shirt and we spoke awhile!!!!! She’s excited about it!!!!

September 11, 2015 - 7:47 pm

Dave Reynolds - I love your visual art as much as your musical, Dino. It too has rhythm you could dance to!

September 12, 2015 - 2:42 pm

Richard D'Albis - Mo, As much as I love Dino (What Is The Reason?) You also deserve platitudes of praise from one drummer (me) who you always inspired (opening 4 bar riff on Funky Lady,..Desiree 77′) Best wishes and continued success in your work. Visit and say hey http://www.youtube.com/drummersagainstitk

December 22, 2015 - 1:03 pm

Ken Lovelett - great work Dino !!! I’m working on a gallery in Woodstock ,ny that features the sound sculpture that I makw as well as the dicotomy musicians that are artists or artists that are musicians.K