MJP Studios » The Work of Marc J. Potocsky

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Painted Murals – Grisaille/ Monochrome by Marc Potocsky

Painted Murals - Grisaille/ Monochrome by Marc Potocsky ct ny

Painted Murals – Grisaille/ Monochrome by Marc Potocsky ct ny


Grisaille French: gris [ɡʁizaj] ‘grey’) is a term for painting executed entirely in monochrome or near-monochrome, usually in shades of grey. It is particularly used in large decorative schemes in imitation of sculpture. Many grisailles in fact include a slightly wider colour range, like the Andrea del Sarto fresco illustrated. Paintings executed in brown are sometimes referred to by the more specific term brunaille, and paintings executed in green are sometimes called verdaille.

Grisaille or tone on tone are strikingly beautiful and create a classic feel that ads softness and romantic and faded barely-there effect that only grisaille style painting has. Sometime executed like a drawing other time like a 3 dimensional bas-relief. Grisaille type murals allow for the rest of the rooms furniture and accessories to pop forward and stand out.

The following are different murals done by artists and decorators from around the country. Enjoy!

Grisaille murals ct ny

Grey on grey bedroom

Grisaille murals ct ny

Grisaille mural


Grisaille murals ct ny Zuber

Zuber wall paper Tapete


zuber wallpaper

Zuber wallpaper


Grisaille murals ct ny

Reproduction by surface fragments


Grisaille murals ct ny tone on tone

Grisaille painting in the style of Zuber style


grisaille-mural-ct putti ct ny

Grisaille Mural (Putti ) MJP Studios ct ny


Grisaille murals ct ny

De Gournay Hand-Painted in the Zuber style

Grisaille murals ct ny mural

mural landscape greens


Grisaille Mural -2015 MJP


Grisaille murals ct ny

Grey on grey



Grisaille murals ct ny

Living room-Pascal Amblard



Ruth’s Chris sepia tone mural –  MJP studios


Grisaille murals ct ny

Brooke shields new york



Panels ( Zuber?)


blue grisaille

Blue grisaille

blue grisaille

Blue grisaille





Sketch for Sea Scape Mural MJP Studios ct ny




tone on tone grisaille

Tone on tone grisaille


tone on tone grisaille

Tone on tone grisaille


tone on tone trompe loeil mural CT MJP Studios

Tone on tone trompe loeil mural CT MJP Studios


Grisaille murals ct ny

Grisaille murals

Grisaille murals ct nymural



My Grand Daughter Addison Grisaille Marc Potocsky MJP Studios

Portrait of my Grand Daughter Addison- Grisaille – Marc Potocsky MJP Studios


Grisaille murals ct ny



Suzanne Rheinstein-interior

Copy of more-suzanne-rheinstein


 Painted Murals - Grisaille/ Monochrome larchmont NY

Larchmont NY Mural MJP Studios


Trompe loeil Grisaille ornament ct -M. Potocsky

Trompe loeil Grisaille Ornament -M. Potocsky



Grisaille murals ct ny Monochrome

Red Monochrome Putti –


beautiful Bas relief Grisialle xvanBreems



zuber-wallpaper-traditional-bedroom Grisaille murals ct ny

Zuber wallpaper traditional bedroom. Notice contrasting Colors in the wainscoting and dado (Faux marble) and baseboard. Stunning!


Grisaille murals ct ny

Faux Painted baseboard to match the colors in the mural bring weight to the bottom of the paneling throughout the room.

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February 9, 2014 - 6:19 pm

József Hefter - csodálatos az emberi teljesítmény.