Trompe l’oeil (Pronounced- Trump loy) literally translates from French to mean “fools the eye.” Hard to paint, the trompe l’oeil piece requires meticulous attention to detail on the part of the artist. Proper sizing and every detail, nuance of light and gradation of color must be skillfully incorporated in order to make the two-dimensional work appear to be three-dimensional.
Paintings of this genre have been around since Antiquity; though they fell into disuse during the “Dark Ages” It wasn’t until the Italians (re)discovered linear perspective during the Renaissance that trompe l’oeil painting became popular for keeps. In the 21st-century, the term “Photo-Realism” would be equally applicable to this type of painting. From, Art History
Trompe l’oeil painting of Drapery and molding with Faux Painted Carrara Marble by Marc Potocsky- MJP Studios
Trompe l’oeil painting of fire place- MJP Studios – NJ Residence
Fun and sentimental trompe l’oeil painting personal articles in private office, New Canaan, CT residence.

Close up of score card painted on wall. Marc Potocsky is a leader of trompe l’oeil painting and murals in CT,NY, NJ, LI and across the USA.
Bianka Rico - Amazing!
Randolph Algera - you are good. nice to meet you on facebook.